Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Use del.icio.us for Managing Contacts!

David Brunelle has some good tips at: Become a del.icio.us Power User.

I've been using to also manage contacts. Here is how.

Almost everyone has a company (or sometimes a personal) URL on their business card. You can bookmark that page with:

  1. His or her name

  2. The place you met

  3. Person who introduced the two of you

  4. Interests you share, or whatever

For example, you could bookmark http://sunilbajpai.blogspot.com with "Sunil.Bajpai BlogCamp city.Chennai Kiruba piano government", etc. And you could write your impressions about me, things we chatted about or promises made (let's meet for a drink at the Club).

You'd now discover my other affiliations, if I ever walk into your office and present my business card with the company URL. And you'd automatically link me with other people in the same company, city, etc.

It hardly takes a few seconds, the date and time is saved with the item, and it beats scribbling behind business cards by a wide margin.

Bonus: Others may have bookmarked the same pages. You might learn something interesting or important there!

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