Monday, September 11, 2006

Learning from the Chennai experience

We do want to learn from every experience, folks, isn't it? What could have been done different at Chennai?

Experience: Some speakers, though knowledgeable, had not done adequate homework.

For next time? Request everyone to give an abstract on the wiki. If visitors comment or raise questions on the abstract, the speakers would know better how to structure their presentation.

Use this interaction to apportion time between speakers.

Experience: Most of the activity happened only at two places. Informal sessions with a few people did not emerge of their own.

For next time? Behaviour does often emerge from structure, so maybe a different a layout could be tried.

However, all this takes nothing away from the splendid efforts of the people that made it all happen.

So ladies and gentlemen, would you fill up your glasses? Thank, you. Please rise and let's drink to Kiruba Shankar and his dedicated team of volunteers.

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